USA Dealer Power Up Binder - Flipbook - Page 30
Welcome to Sheffield Financial, we look forward to your business. Sheffield Financial has a
two-step dealer registration process that includes completion of our dealer registration packet
and an online registration form. The dealer registration packet includes a Dealer Standards
document, a direct deposit form, and a W-9 form. To ensure timely set up, please complete
both the paperwork and the online registration at the same time. You may begin this
process by visiting our website,, and clicking on the ‘Become a
dealer’ button. The website will guide you through the process and the steps are also listed
below. Please register for manufacturer(s) your dealership is authorized to sell. To view a
complete list of approved Sheffield manufacturer partners please visit our website and click
on ‘Equipment Manufacturers.’ If you are purchasing an existing dealership that currently
uses Sheffield Financial please contact Dealer Implementation at 800-438-8892 or prior to completing dealer registration.
1.) Dealer Packet
Please return the completed Dealer Standards, direct deposit form (including a voided
check or bank letter) and W-9 Form via email to or
fax at 877-303-4653. For instructions on how to complete the IRS W-9 Form please
visit Please note that electronic signatures
will not be accepted and an incomplete packet may delay set-up.
2.) Online Registration
Please complete the online registration at our website. The username and password you
create will give you access to submit online applications, view current manufacturer
promotions, enable you to track approval and funding status, and provide use of our
payment calculator.
Your registration will be processed within 2 business days and you will receive a phone call
upon completion as well as an automated email with your Sheffield Dealer Number confirming
online registration. Please note that you will not have immediate online access upon
registration, your dealership paperwork will be processed within 2 business days. In
addition, if your dealership is not already authorized with the Manufacturers your dealership is
registering to finance, this could delay your registration. If you have any questions regarding
the dealer registration process, please contact the Implementation Department at 800-438-8892,
Option 2, or
Dealer Standards 12-04-22
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