USA Dealer Power Up Binder - Flipbook - Page 5
We the Employees
of Kress,
in order to form a more perfect Company, do hereby declare and establish this
Kress Company Creed as the philosophy and guiding principles under which we
will carry forward our business activities.
Dealers are the most important people to our company
Dealers are our only real customers... we must remember that at all times
Dealers' customers are as important to our company as they are to our Dealers
Dealers will get our unyielding support to capitalize on their sales
Dealers are guaranteed our best effort and help with their problems
Dealers deserve our most courteous and attentive treatment on every contact
Dealers do not interrupt our work; they are the purpose of our efforts
Dealers are not outsiders; they are a meaningful part of our company
Dealers deserve pacesetting results from our relentless pursuit of innovation
Dealers can always expect our unwavering integrity and respect
Dealers build the foundation for our survival, our success and our growth
Dealers are our business
By unanimous consent on this 15th day of September in the first year of the
Kress Commercial, Inc. business, we, the employees of Kress, commit hereunder
to be dedicated to diligence and hard work to ensure the continued growth of
Kress through an ever- increasing share of the North American outdoor power
equipment market.